Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Ghetto Martha's Vineyard Detox - Day 12

DAY 12:
Weight - 151 - gained 2 pounds.

I don't know what's going on today, but I gained 2 pounds, and am in just the foulest mood ever.  I hate my house and how dirty it is, I can't keep myself on the 2 hour "feeding" schedule, my pen just freaking burst all over me, my clothes and my desk, and I can't concentrate at all.

I haven't gone #2 in days, and I'm just hating today.  Bills are stressing me out, and I really want to just lay down and sleep or something.  I want to clean and pay bills, but it makes me mad and I can't concentrate on it.  Now, I have a business appointment later today that I have to go back into the office for, but I don't really want to be around people at all.

Is this more healing crisis, I wonder?  I didn't have any soup last night because it just disgusted me to smell it.  I had my first feeding today, and I'm hungry now but just haven't made any drinks.  After today, I'll be out of green drink, so I'll have to spend like $30 to get more for my last 10 days.  Just very unhappy.

I'm going to go ahead and juice to get it out of the way and just skip over my 10:30 feeding and see if that helps.  I'm wearing down and starting to feel really weak and yucky, and can't wait for this day to be over.

Maybe this is in fact more healing crisis, since I didn't really have anything more than a headache and joint pain in the beginning.  Oh, and the cat pissed on my daughter's coat, and she put it on and got into my truck.  Now my truck reeks of it, as does my whole house, and she probably does too.  I brought her back home and had her change her coat, but man... what a shitty day.  I don't know why I feel so angry and combative, but I just do.  Also, this is just a bunch of pissy rambling, so I apologize for that as well.

Just want this day to be over.  And I want food. Food. Food.  Food.  Food.  I know I'm not going to fall off the detox wagon, but just need to get these feelings out I guess.  I hope blogging about it will put things into perspective and I can make it through the day.  I'm going to text my husband and warn him that today sucks before I blow up at him when he gets home for no reason.  I am looking forward to just climbing into bed when I get home and sleeping this funk off.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading that more = less with this detox. As in, more drinks, less weight. As in, you have to keep up with the "feedings" for your weight to continue to diminish. If you miss the "feedings," you hold onto more that could be part of the problem...

    Have you had a chance to get the Essential Greens yet? That drink is pretty tasty, and you'll continue to use green drinks even when the detox is over if you follow the maintenance plan, so it will be a good investment and will help you get back on schedule.

    I finally just took my first shadoob in 3 days. I had to drink a cleansing tea last night and I took metamucil fiber pills with every meal yesterday. You'd think you're getting enough fiber from all the veggies, but maybe you could add some metamucil pills to the mix and take them every time you take the cleansing formula? They're all natural (which I confirmed with the MVDD site that you can take anything all-natural during the detox) and they're just fiber pills so they'll help you poo. But they aren't a stimulant or anything, like xlax, so you won't have anything explosive or whatnot. Might help...?

    Hang in there and just remember to take in a drink of some sorts every 2 hours so you don't start gaining. You can do this!!!!!
