Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Ghetto Martha's Vineyard Detox - Days 13, 14, 15

DAYS 13, 14, 15:
Weight:  Hovering between 149 - 151.  No weight loss since Day 11.

Fortunately, I am feeling better after a horrid Day 12.  I ended up taking 2 hour-long naps that day in between work appointments, then fell asleep on the couch around 7:30pm and was done for the night.  I think I was just waaaay off my schedule and not getting enough nutrients, and my body sure let me know about it!  At that point in time, I was so sick of the disgusting drinks and disgusting soup that I'd rather not eat at ALL than have to choke that stuff down.

On Day 13, I decided to stray from the rules just a bit.  I added a potato to my broccoli soup.  I left it in the crock pot for an extra long time so everything was soft.  Then, instead of putting it into the blender, I mashed it all up with a fork.  I still didn't have to chew, and the consistency was a lot better.  I also started really experimenting with some new spices that I've never tried before - I am really liking Tumeric and Curry Powder.  I guess they are Indian seasonings, but they are spicy and great, and help me forget that I'm still just eating veggies.  I also started making smaller batches of soup.  If I have to put them in the fridge overnight, I will NOT eat them the next day.  Not sure why, but they just look disgusting and I can't bring myself to reheat it.

On top of my soup troubles, I did go to GNC to buy some more green drink powder.  I bought a canister that was on sale for $19.99.  I figured, "what the hell."  After I tasted it and suppressed a vomiting spell, I again was thinking, "WHAT THE HELL!?!"  This stuff tastes and smells worse than the first green drink I had.  Sure, it dissolves in water much better, but the taste is so bitter and terrible that I put off having it.  Once again, I just have to chug it down and do my best not to yak.  I'm sure that "you get what you pay for" should come into play now, because my BFF Ashley who was doing the detox with me said her green drinks tasted great.

My weekend, Days 14 and 15, were pretty busy for me, work-wise.  I was out driving around town showing houses all weekend, and as much as I tried to keep my schedule up, I just couldn't.  I did, however, make "spinach soup" for dinner, which was basically spinach cooked extra long in water.  I added a little vinegar and ate it.  Again, I didn't put it in the blender, but it was soft enough that I didn't have to chew it, and it tasted great!  I have always loved spinach.  I may be living on it for the rest of this diet, because that's the only thing that has sounded remotely good here lately.

I am now past the point of needing to stay FAR away from any kind of real food, or averting my gaze and focusing hard on something else when I drive by Taco Bell.  Now I WANT to see and smell food.  I talk about food all the time.  I ask my husband and daughter how their food tastes.  I can prepare food and know that I won't let myself lick the fork and/or plate.  I look at recipes online all the time.  In my defense, I am actually looking for low-cal and low-sodium recipes to collect.  I'm reading up a lot on sodium and how to stay away from it.  I would say that a majority of my weight loss has been from losing "water weight".  I realize that I have to change my - and my family's - eating habits.  No more box dinners, frozen foods, fast food, etc.  I need to start cooking actual MEALS, and healthy ones at that.  I'm hoping to find a lot of good healthy crock pot recipes, and I'm collecting recipes for healthy burritos, mini pizzas, etc. that I can put in the freezer to try to replace some of our normal store-bought, sodium-ridden frozen foods.  My family is on board with a change, so we'll see what happens.

Day 15 (Sunday):  I slept in and didn't get started with my drink schedule until 10:30am or so.  I also made myself the kidney/liver flush drink that I was supposed to have done on Day 6 (couldn't find parsley - go figure).  I don't know if I even made it right, because parsley and other leafy veggies just don't juice well in a conventional juicer.  You need a special "wheatgrass" juicer for that type of stuff.  So, out of 2 large bunches of parsley, I got maybe MAYBE a 1/4 c. of juice.  The rest was just basically chopped up and dumped into the "garbage bin" of the juicer.  (NOTE:  There was a LOT of chopped up parsley, and I didn't want to throw it away, so I spread it out on some paper towels and let it dry out.  I'm going to put it in an herb shaker and keep it to use as a "seasoning".)  I dumped in 1/4 c. of organic Black Cherry juice (which is great tasting)  and drank it.  Within 5 minutes, I was in the bathroom taking the crap of a lifetime.  For the next 8 - 10 hours, I was in the bathroom about every 15 minutes.  Terrible gas, terrible cramping, etc.  To spare you the gory details, let's just say it was bad.  I'd say that kidney/liver cleanse drink cleans more than just the kidneys and liver!  I finally had to lay down and not move AT ALL in order to make it all stop.

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