Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Ghetto Martha's Vineyard Detox - Day 6

I was finally able to "drop some kids off" today.  But one kid I didn't have to drop off today was my daugher, as school is cancelled again today.

When I'm not at work, I find it really hard to stick to the "every two hour" schedule for my supplements and drinks.  I get busy and forget about it, and I have found that I actually PUT OFF having to drink the green drinks, because it literally tastes like I mowed my entire lawn with my mouth wide open.  The weirdest thing is that the smell of it totally doesn't match the taste, which makes me want to blow chunks.  Anyway, today I didn't have as much hot tea or water as I was supposed to.

I had 2 cigarettes.

I made cabbage, onion, and celery soup.  I finally found Bragg's Liquid Aminos, which is an all natural seasoning - not unlike soy sauce - that I'm allowed to have in my soups.  It really does help with flavor.  I had a bit of soup for lunch today instead of juicing because I felt the urge to have real sustenance.  I tried to have it again in the evening, but couldn't bring myself to eat it.  I had a few bites and just quit.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's the fact that it's a bowl full of purple sludge.

I went out this evening to run a few errands and try to buy 2 bunches of parsley, which I need to make this kidney/liver cleanse tea.  The grocery store was out of parsley.  Seriously, the last time I checked, parsley is not an IN DEMAND item.  How can you be out of parsley?  While I was standing there shaking my head and giving the fresh produce aisle the stink-eye, my husband texted and asked me to pick him up a #3 and a cheeseburger from Braum's (for those of you who don't know, Braum's is a truly legit fast food restaurant, and one of my favorite places to eat.  Oh yeah, the #3 1/3 lb. Jalapeno burger is MY favorite as well).  So, I got a little pissed, but I talked myself through it.  I texted him back and told him I would, just to prove that I could be nice and civil and not throw a baby fit.  I did it.  The smell filled my whole truck.  I cried the whole way home, and I was really not very nice to Justin when I got home.  I stayed in the kitchen most of the night, and went to bed early.

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