Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Ghetto Martha's Vineyard Detox - Day 5

Weight: 155 - 15 pounds gone!

I woke up this morning feeling like my body is melting away, like it's someone else's body!  My belly, which is my biggest problem, is smaller, my inner thighs don't rub together as much when I walk, and my pants are looser.  My husband says he can notice my face thinning out as well.

BUT - after I got up and around, I got a dull headache and my neck feels really achy, the way I always feel just before the flu sets in.  Also, 90% of my joints hurt, and a knee that I've had a disease in since middle school is absolutely killing me!  Hello, healing crisis.  Granted, part of this could be because of the sub-zero weather we've been having, but who knows.  I'm worried about this "healing crisis" that the book goes in to great detail about.  Apparently, since my body is not used to this much nutrition and "good stuff" coming in, it can actually reject the nutrition for a few days, making you feel weak and flu-like, and a number of other symptoms.  Then, when your body finally gives in and accepts the good stuff, it starts expelling the toxins, which are stored in your fat cells for lack of a better place to put them.  Also stored in the fat are chemicals from former emotions that you've had.  So, when this healing crisis hits, the book really warns that your emotions will come flooding out too - it even goes as far as saying that if you have had a serious trauma or abuse in your past that you should schedule regular appointments with a therapist before-hand. That seems crazy weird to me, but I could go for a little "bad mojo out, good mojo in" stuff.  But, I'm not really interested in becoming a blubbering idiot (any more so than I already am).

My daughter's school has been cancelled today due to the winter weather conditions, so I'm working from home today.  I've decided to juice today in place of my gross-ass green drink.  I found this green drink at AmazingGrass.com, and compared to other brands was the cheapest.  A TIP: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!  I would much rather chug a cup of fresh veggie juice than try to choke THAT crap down.  It's quite possible that I would prefer chugging urine before drinking that!  I'm going to take it easy today and rest as much as possible so I'll hopefully feel better faster.

Also, not to be gross, but I'm wondering why I've only "dropped the kids off" like 4 times since I started this.  I think I was expecting to be in the bathroom constantly, and that's just not the case.  I need to go ahead and schedule a colonic to get things flowing, if you know what I mean.

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